Pendampingan Gizi Spesifik pada Ibu Hamil Upaya Menuju Kampung KB Bebas Stunting

Simbolon, Demsa and Asmawati, Asmawati and Batbual, Bringwatty and Ludji, Ina Debora Ratu and Eliana, Eliana (2021) Pendampingan Gizi Spesifik pada Ibu Hamil Upaya Menuju Kampung KB Bebas Stunting. Edukasi Masyarakat Sehat Sejahtera (EMaSS) : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 3 (2). pp. 112-121. ISSN 2656-0364

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Stunting begins with health problems and nutritional status of pre-pregnant, pregnant and lactating mothers which will determine the growth of the fetus and toddler. Pregnant women with nutritional and health problems will be at risk of giving birth to low birth weight babies which are a risk factor for stunting. Assistance to pregnant women in the Kampung KB is expected to prevent and overcome stunting in the 1000 HPK period. The target audience for this activity is 80 pregnant women, consisting of 40 pregnant women in the Kampung KB Padang Serai in Bengkulu City and 40 pregnant women in the Kampung KB Pasir Panjang in Kupang City. Assistance is carried out from August to December 2020 by implementing educational media in the form of booklets, monitoring cards for Fe Tablet consumption and supplementary feeding for pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency (CED). Formed a cadre group of 5 people in each Kampung KB were given training on stunting prevention as well as how to assist in monitoring the consumption of Fe and Supplementary Food tablets for pregnant women with CED. There was a significant increase in the average knowledge and attitude of health cadres after 3 days of training in both Kampung KB. The training and development of pregnant women's health cadres can improve the knowledge and attitudes of 10 cadres. Assistance 80 pregnant women can increase knowledge, attitudes and actions in the prevention of stunting. Efforts to prevent stunting require ongoing activities by empowering trained cadres to assist pregnant women until delivery and children aged 5 years to a stunting-free at Kampung KB.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Assistance, pregnant women, specific nutrition intervention, stunting, Kampung KB
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine
R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine
Divisions: Jurusan Gizi > D3 Gizi
Depositing User: Mrs Demsa Simbolon
Date Deposited: 15 May 2023 03:56
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2024 03:39

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